Dustin and Dana celebrated the 4th of July with a bang - by getting married! Their red, white and blue wedding took place at Allardale Lodge in Medina. This is a new facility just finished last year and is very rustic made out of all natural wood. It is just beautiful inside and out. And so are Dustin and Dana. Two very sweet and loving people who I was honored to marry on this very hot and humid afternoon. We were all drenched with sweat by the end of the ceremony in the sun but no one cared. There was so much joy in the air.
Dana looked exquisite in a form-fitting all lace, ivory dress on her tiny figure. Dustin and his groomsmen wore blue vests and pants with red ties. The bridesmaids were in red lace. I even got in the 4th of July spirit by having my nails and toe nails painted red, white and blue. :)
Dana loves birds and has a room in their home as an aviary. Her wedding would not have been complete without some of her dear pets in attendance. So she had a huge wire cage in the shape of a house with two of her small birds. The top of the house had an opening for guests to put their wedding cards in. Very clever and pretty.
Wishing this lovely couple and their two children much love and happiness together.