Congratulations to John and Robin - my first social distancing wedding! Well, we weren't exactly six feet away but pretty close. Robin and John met online and immediately hit if off. Only problem was that John lives in Cortland, OH and Robin lived in California. But love won out and Robin moved to Cortland (which is near Warren if you don't know).
The wedding ceremony took place at Mosquito Lake and fortunately, the lake did not live up to its name. No mosquitoes were present. Only John's mother, Ethel, my husband, John, and our little Yorkie, BeBe.
We had to hike a way to get to the exact spot that they picked out. (I definitely should have worn different shoes!) John saw this little purple stone saying "Pass Love On." What a perfect sign for this day!
The bride and groom were very excited and both got a bit emotional during the vows and ring exchange. So sweet. They exchanged beautiful, unique wooden rings. My bet is that these two lovebirds are going to live happily ever after.
Email me at if you are looking for a personal and special wedding ceremony.